Entrance Facilities
Telecom facilities entering a building or residence from the outside -- from a local service carrier or private network -- pass through an opening in the exterior wall via a conduit.

Equipment Room
The area where entrance cabling connects to the internal building wiring infrastructure is the equipment room. It houses patch panels that provide connections for backbone cabling, horizontal cabling and intermediate cabling.

Backbone Cabling
Also called riser cabling -- as it typically is installed in vertical channels, or risers, that connect to each floor -- backbone cabling links EF, telecommunications and other ERs, and carrier spaces.

Telecommunications Room
This environmentally controlled area can be a dedicated room (TE) or part of another larger room (TR), such as a general utility room. Hardware in these spaces terminate horizontal and backbone cables.

Work Area
The area from a connector, or jack, in a wall outlet to a user device using a cable is considered the WA. It's the final destination of a structured cable system.

Structured cabling completed
Completed structured cabling for:
- Commercial and residential buildings;
- Warehouses, supermarkets;
- Pharmacies and hospitals;
- Construction sites, and more.
Structured Cabling solutions
CAT 6 Cabling
Fiber Optic Cabling
Coax Cabling
Security System Cabling
Structured Cabling Systems
Rack Terminations
Cable Management
Network Wiring